Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Field Trip

For our December field trip the girls really wanted to go see the Christmas lights on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.

 The lights were beautiful and it was so much fun spending time together.  The LDS Church has a lovely nativity display with narration.  I always enjoy listing to the Christmas story along with the beautiful music.

The water features, as always were beautiful with the lights shining over them.

 I love the nativity display on the reflecting pool.  I am so grateful for the celebration of our Saviors birth that brings light to us in such a dark time of year.
 Here are Mark and me.  Our kids have gotten good at taking pictures.
MaeMae was so cute.  She just loved being in the stroller.
 We realized the last time we had gone to see the lights was just a few days before Leelee was born.  It had been 4 years.  She had had the flu earlier in the week so wasn't super thrilled with the lights.

These were the new water feature and lights at the City center plaza.  It was a beautiful night and we all had a lot of fun.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Ears pierced...They are getting so big.

DeeDee & MiMi are getting so big and growing into such beautiful young ladies.  We decided it was time for ear piercing.  So, off to Claire's at Valley Fair Mall we went.

They had both been afraid that it would hurt so much.  MiMi decided first that she wanted it done and that convinced DeeDee.

They were troopers and the little star earrings they got are very cute.  It sure has gotten expensive.  $18.50 each.   I think it cost me $7 when I had mine done at Claire's.

Friday, December 12, 2014

And the Miracles keep coming.

Now, you might look at this van and think,"What an interesting color."and you would be right. We found this wonderful vehicle on classifieds.  I was on there looking for a fridge and decided, what the heck, lets look at cars.  We were planning on changing out our van after the first of the year but you never know when a gem will come up.

I was looking at full size vans (which are not plentiful in our price range and the mileage we were looking for) and there it was.  A 1995 Dodge Ram Van 2500 with only 38,000 miles on it for $4500 dollars.

The next morning my Dad and I went to Bountiful, UT to Liberty Auto (which I highly recommend) and we couldn't believe it.  A full size van with only 38,000 miles on it in practically new condition.  The previous owner used it only to haul his boat and kept it in the garage the rest of the time.   I bought the van and when Mark was able to drive it, he was thrilled. The dealer even bought our old van for $1000 and we were able to get the fridge.

The interior was pristine and the captains chairs for the driver and passenger are super comfortable.  My children love having more space.  I cannot tell you what a blessing we feel this is.  I will always have faith that the Lord will always give us what we need when we need it.  Many times it is trials but, I am sure grateful when it is a wonderful blessing.

Now we have a great Field Trip vehicle.  We are all super excited to go camping next year.